Tuesday, July 10, 2007

things are really starting to stack up

All the frames are assembled, yeah!

Our contractor wanted us to put down the base cabinets on the old flooring and then he would only install the new wood floor up to the toe kick. Sometime yesterday, it dawned on us that we would need flooring under the frig at least. I just left a message for my contractor to do the whole floor and then we would do the base cabinets. So I guess it would have been easier on the workers if we hadn't put them all together, but they are the ones that insisted. Once we hang the wall cabinets, the clutter should go down significantly.

We found one of our really large cabinets was damaged when we unpacked it. I have already called and left a message for the after sales guy at IKEA. No return call so far yesterday or today. Sometimes the help on the phone is fantastic and sometime you don't ever get called back. Back on the phone again.

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