Saturday, July 7, 2007

sorting boxes into cabinets

I am starting on my second sorting of all my IKEA boxes. I really regret not having thought of this blog from the beginning. You would have loved to see how load the pallet was when it arrived and how my living room and dining room looked complete covered in stacks of brown boxes.

When everything arrived, I tried to mark off each box as the guys dumped them into stacks. Only it is a pretty tricky job of chasing 8 digit numbers across the edges of very heavy boxes. My biggest problem was that the guys would just keep adding to piles that I had already marked off. I got a little lost about half way through and was completely freaking out by the time the movers left. I was sure that I was missing at least 9 cabinets and who know how many doors.

I decided to eat lunch, cool off - it was about 95 degrees that day - and try again.

That was my first sort. I went back and moved all the cabinet doors off the piles and leaned them against the wall. I put all the same numbers together. (The delivery guys could seem to make stacks of similar sizes that were all different numbers.)

That turned the rest of the piles into something much more reasonable. I couldn't move most of the them, but I could get around and read all the labels.

In the end, I had one damaged cabinet frame, one missing cabinet frame and 6 more doors that I didn't need. (That was a mistake in the order not the shipping.) Not bad for a total of 33 cabinets, 4 counter tops, 58 hinges, 8 extra side panels, 15 sets of legs, a double oven, a range hood, a kitchen sink, and one huge freak out.

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