Thursday, August 2, 2007

MISTAKE - that window is not where I need it to be

This is something I can't correct. I needed the edge of the window to be 76" from the left edge of the room. It ended up at 75". The problem is that I have exactly 75" of base cabinets going in on that wall and I will need an inch at the end for the cabinet door to open.

I guess it will only be noticeable to me, that the sink is off by an inch from the window, I hope.

The other side is ending up with a huge gap at the end because of this problem. I have to have both sets of upper cabinets the same distance to the edge of the window. Since the left side is now at 8 inches instead of 9, the right side had to move over an inch. An inch shouldn't be a problem but I had already factored in an inch at the wall and a inch at the side of the frig. That brings the gap to 3 inches along the wall cabinets above the frig. Well it should be 3 inches but it is actually 5 inches. Oh yeah, that wall leans out at the top. Too bad, extra space at the bottom might be useful along the side of the frig. That is where my mother hides her broom and dust pan.

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