Monday, August 13, 2007

MISTAKES - more bad measureing

The sink side of the kitchen has a 5 inch gap at the end. ugly
Oh well, I will just have to live with that

The stove side of the kitchen has a inch of cabinet poking past the doorway. oops
Okay, I go and get a 24" base cabinet and find another use for a 30" base cabinet.

The plug for the microwave is set outside the width of the tall, deep cabinet. stupid
That should have been a easy measurement. That will be a easy fix, the wall behind it is not drywalled yet.

I am sure I had the kitchen designed before the electrical went in. Why didn't I just draw the cabinets onto the floor?

I don't know how I made all these mistakes. No I take that back, I know how some of them came about. The light switch was installed without my input and I knew it was in a bad place, there just wasn't anywhere else to put it. What I should have done was measure out the cabinets before we assembled them, so we could return them. (I have enough extra now to start a wall of cabinets in the basement)

Biggest problem isn't the non returnable cabinets, I am sure I will find a use for them, it is that whenever I need a new cabinet from IKEA, I can buy the basic frame and take it with me. But I have to special order in all the doors and either pay shipping from Salt Lake City or drive there and get them myself.

And now I have to make a second special order and that will mean a second special trip to SLC.

I did want to put all the base cabinets in their places and look it over weeks ago and my husband said, "Why bother?"

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